Internet survival guide

The internet is a forest.

In some places, trees grow tightly together, sometimes intertwined; in others, you’ll find peaceful clearings and mesmerising landscapes. There’s fascinating creatures and plants, and the roots underground connect trees like you would never guess, too.

Exhibit A: a wolf lurking.

Exhibit A: a wolf lurking.

There are also more wolves lurking about than we like to think, and forest police around to protect us. Some forest police officers are, however, wolves. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ever since the ‘90s, the internet forest has been taking over the real world: we walk about this forest every day, to pay bills and hear from friends, to stave off boredom and learn new things. It’s easy to eat the wrong berries or mess with a furry animal that turns out to have big pointy teeth.

Here’s a bunch of interesting stuff that can help you build a forest survival guide: trail maps to navigate the woods, tips to recognise poison ivy and wolves disguised as grannies, and instructions to build your own cabin.

While wandering the woods, be a fox.


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